The web was created for sharing, not for hoarding and not for selling, hence you may use and reproduce the images I'm posting on this blog in any way you see fit - but you CANNOT use my images for any commercial intent or use.
These images are all under the GPL licence, and it will be easy to prove where your copies come from: on the web it is as easy to copycat as it is to debunk copycatters :-)
All of this blog's content was created ex novo by Carpazio.
Any of the poses, textures and meshes on this blog's images have been created ex novo by Carpazio (Carpazio Sculacciatopi).
Any resemblance to any other pose, or image, or texture, not created by myself, wholely or in part, is purely coincidental.
----- NUDITY -----
Please note that given the thematics we are dealing with, and the beauty of some martyresses, there might happen to be some "nudity" on this blog. If you are offended, please, by all means, go away, and, if you manage it, get a life.----- DISCLAIMER -----
This blog and any information enclosed within the blog, contains restricted and/or privileged information and is intended only for authorized screening and/or confidential presentation at the author’s discretion. If you are not the intended observer of this blog, you must not disseminate, modify, copy/plagiarize or take action in reliance upon it, unless permitted by the author of this blog. None of the materials provided on this blog may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording or the use of any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the author.
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All other brands, logos and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. So be it.
For more information, see the European Union's legislation.
Disclaimer published in APRIL & MAI 2007
By the blog's author Carpazio Sculacciatopi, Eagle Islands
If you visited this blog in error please leave immediately.
The confidential nature of and/or privilege in the blog enclosed is not waived or lost as a result of linguistic or factual mistakes or errors in this blog.
The blog's author accepts no liability whatsoever, whether it was caused by:
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The author assumes that all users and visitors understand all risks involved within the normal browsing of the web and/or with the viewing of this blog's attached materials.
All rights reserved.
All other brands, logos and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. So be it.
For more information, see the European Union's legislation.
Disclaimer published in APRIL & MAI 2007
By the blog's author Carpazio Sculacciatopi, Eagle Islands
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