Monday, 7 May 2007

Saint Rosalia

I have added a new 'Erotic saint' to my on-line portfolio: Saint Rosalia.

"While still very young she despised worldly vanities. When her remarkable beauty caused her to be sought in marriage by several lords of Sicily, the Blessed Virgin appeared to her and advised her to leave the world. She obeyed, taking with her only a crucifix, and her red shoes as instruments of penance. Guided by Angels, she made her first dwelling in a nearby grotto, which the snows and ices of winter concealed. She tried hard to escape the ruses of the daemon, who was continuously tempting her with false promises of unimaginable pleasure in his arms, and finally fled to a low icy cave on Mount Pellegrino, about three miles from Palermo, in sight of her paternal home, in order to triumph entirely over the deceptive maneuvers of the daemon and also over her own rather powerful instincts of naked flesh and pulsating blood"
In the holy image above we can see her resisting another nasty & daemonical corrupting attempt to her virginity.
Click on the holy image to enlarge.

Another 'erotic saint': ST. Bibiana was already present on the portfolio, at the bottom of this blog, and in this holy image can be seen, tied to a pole, patiently awaiting her own martyrdom.

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