Saint Seconda (Secunda) (click on the image to enlarge)Ready for the
According to the Acta Sanctorum (Acta SS., July, III, 30-1), Secunda and Rufina suffered their erotic martyrdom in 257, during the persecution of Valerian. The holy scripts state that they were daughters of a Roman senator named Asterius. Their fiancés, Armentarius and Verinus, were originally Christians, but quickly renounced their faith when Valerian began his persecutions. A couple of arrivist wankers, he.
Escaping to Etruria, Rufina and Secunda were captured at the border and brought before a prefect, Junius Donatus, who first tortured them through whipping and beating, then compelled them to very unholy acts, and finally, satisfied, beheaded them for good.
Their bodies were buried on the Via Aurelia and the church of "Sante Rufina e Secunda" was built on their grave -after a while- by Pope Damasus.
Secunda has mostly been depicted (see the famous painting by Morazzone) naked and wearing striped socks during her whipping, beating and demeaning.
This makes her (and her sister) a couple of very erotic martyresses indeed, even if, to say the truth, Rufina was a little plumper and slightly less arousing than her sister.
Here another description:
257. Asterius, a Roman senator, had two daughters, Rufina and Secunda. He found for them fiancés: Armentarius and Verinus, and since all four betrothed were Christians, the matches seemed perfect.
Soon, however, the Emperor Valerian began to persecute the church and Armentarius and Verinus renounced Christianity, the wankers. Neither girl would do this. Both decided to escape to Etruria, but on their way they were captured and brought before a prefect named Junius Donatus.
Junius Donatus decided on a cruel torment: he would scourge Rufina with whips and vulgar desecrations while her sister watched. As the scourging began, Secunda shouted, "Why are you honoring my sister in this way and dishonoring me! Please scourge us both at the same time. We both declare that Jesus Christ is God" Realizing that neither girl would recant anytime soon, Junius Donatus had them thoroughly whipped, compelled both to solace himself (and then a great part of the garrison) and finally had them beheaded.

In art, Saints Rufina and Secunda are mostly represented as two very sexy maidens being whipped and molested
while wearing striped socks" (and almost nothing else).
As you can see,
in our second photo Secunda has acquired an halo. (Click to enlarge)
Please note that martyrs & martyresses usually didn't get halos "immediately", or "at once" or "on the fly", duh, no, no,no. They had a right to halos, but only after suffering -at least a short while.
I reckon that in the first of my photos, above, there was no halo on Secunda's nice head because her martyrdom wasn't yet "in full swing". I might be wrong, but that's my theory.
In fact note how, now, in our second photo, the honorable Julius Donatus himself is personally trying to break/tweak her breast-rings out of her remarkable tits.
She's got a halo now, so Secunda must therefore have -meanwhile- accumulated enough -so to say- "martyrdom points". This explains why henceforth she got her well-deserved Halo.
She also looks quite crossed, as you may notice. This is easily explained: you surely know the famous pre-latin
adagio: "
Chicks prefer prefects that don't squeeze tits".
We could also cite
Scherza coi santi e lascia stare i fanti... if you'll allow me to recall a somehow "post-latin" interesting proverb.
Click on both images to enlarge :-)
A final testimoniance underlines the importance of their socks: "
The virgins Rufina and Secunda, because they would not abandon their vow of virginity to Christ, were afflicted with various hideous tortures. Protected by Angels, and thanks to their striped socks, they persevered in their holy resolve, and were finally beheaded at the 10th milestone on the Aurelian Way. Their bodies were finally laid in the Basilica of Constantine near the Baptistery".
Ok, ok, I know what every reader will be asking for: and Saint Rufina? And Saint Rufina?
Here she is, in all her splendour, photographed in the very moment she gets her new (and deserved) holy halo through (and thanks to) the beating that prefect Julius Donatus has gleefully assigned to her.
She looks
apparently a tag sad in this photo... but rest assured:
inside she's quite happy and glad to be
heavily honored by the hideous atheist/pagan persecution. More punishment is just more glory to our holy Xst savourous saviour!
Note also (clicking on Rufina's image: go ahead) the extremely high resolution of our beautiful photo! Holy Rufina! Go-go-go! Woah!

Halo-op Rufina! Halo-op!
A final version of our interesting story: Enjoy!
Rufina and Secunda were two beautiful and accomplished ladies, daughters of Asterius, a gentleman of eminence in Rome. Rufina, the elder, was designed in marriage for Armentarius, a young nobleman; Secunda, the younger, for Verinus, a person of rank and opulence. The suitors, at the time of the persecution's commencing, were both Christians; but when danger appeared, to save their fortunes, they renounced their faith. They took great pains to persuade the ladies to do the same, and to stop wearing those funny striped socks, but, disappointed in their purpose, the lovers were base enough to inform against the ladies, who, being apprehended as Christians, were brought before Junius Donatus, praefect, who tortured them, took great pleasure with both and then commanded (A.D. 257) that they sealed their holy martyrdom with their blood"
Ok, we have a last photo of Saint Rufina. Really demeaning: don't look if you don't like demeaning & demeaned martyresses. Description: a soldier of the garrison compel's Rufina to lick his feet. Gosh!
The holy Rufina obeys, but she preserves with courage and force her indomitable faith in Xst, the savourous saviour.
Of course.
Here you are.