

Discovered in the church of the Virgin constructed by Constantine Lips, a high official in the court of Leo VI, the Saint Euphrasia, Alexandra and Claudia plaques are the finest inlaid marble icons to have survived from early Byzantium. The plaques are housed in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, inv. n° 4309, 4310, 4311. They are quite similar to the plaque of Saint Julia (Istanbul Archaeological Museum, inv. n° 3019). The surface of the plaques measure 66 by 28 cm and the thickness is 6-8 cm. The sides of the plaques are beveled from the front surface to the back; of the four sides, the upper surface is angled most acutely. There are no indications of clams or dowel holes. Aside from a number of missing inlaid marbles and glass fragments, around the ears and the tits, the plaques are in good condition.
This examination proves the identity of these obscure martyresses. However the evidence suggests that Eufrasia, Alessandra and Claudia are not just three more exiled virgins of the Early Christian period but also the little-known playthings of the prefect (and satrape) Theoteknos. The representations of these martyresses demonstrate that in the early fourth century, the creation of Byzantine saints and the commissioning of sacred art were intimately related to sexual affairs of the imperial household. It is easy to see that the facial characteristics of all these martyresses, -especially the posture of the mouths- have most probably been created by a single, sublime artist.
Many authors believe that the Saint Julia plaque belongs to this very series as well.
The story of these martyresses, while extremely sad, is surely instructive:
"At this time (286-310), seven holy virgins died for Christ. The eldest, St Tecusa, was the aunt of St Theodotus. The holy virgins Tecusa, Phaine, Claudia, Matrona, Julia, Alexandra and Euphrasia had dedicated themselves to God from their youth, living in constant prayer, fasting, temperance and good deeds.
Brought to trial as Christians, the holy virgins bravely confessed their faith in Christ before Theoteknos and were at once given over to torture, yet remained steadfast. The evil prefect decided subsequently to personally abuse their tortured bodies for various weeks, then tired, gave them to shameless tatooed youths for further defilement. The holy virgins prayed intensely, asking help from God or whomever was listening.
St Euphrasia fell down, licking the feet of a youth, and pushing back her veil, she showed him her holy tits, marred by the scars and awful tortures inflicted by Theoteknos. The young man, startled, ran off weeping.
The other shameless tatooed youth gave up as well, and fled.
The prefect then ordered that one more chance would have been granted to the seven saints: "Please recant!" -He said- "Take part in offering sacrifice to the idols! Pretty please!"
"Otherwise I'll have to kill you, and all my pagans gods know how much I dilike such a solution: Your beautiful bodies deserve kindness, kisses and caresses and not death, whipslashes or rudeness".
But again the holy virgins refused.
For this they were sentenced to death. A heavy stone was tied to the beautiful legs of each martyress, and all seven of the holy virgins were drowned in a lake"
Ok, ok, now I know that most readers would like to see also the "fourth" plaque, the one that depicts the erotic saint "Saint julia".
Thsi wasn't easy to fnd on the web, but I managed it. Here you go (click on it to enlarge and enjoy)! Note the very fine "dark porporal" marble background...

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