One of 23 Christians virgins martyred with gusto during the persecutions of Gallienus.
Lucilla was one of the most highly venerated virgin martyrs of Christian antiquity, a beautiful young woman, put to death in Toscana for her steadfast profession of faith. Although it is uncertain in which Gallienus persecution this took place, we may accept, as probably based on ancient tradition, the evidence of her legendary life, composed at a later date, to the effect that her martyrdom occurred during the main persecution of Gallienus (257-258).
She was tied to a heavy metal chain in an upright position. She resisted for three straight days. When her feet couldn't sustain her weight any more, she died of strangulation.
We managed to find two very rare and unique "santini" of Lucilla's martyrdom. Click on both to enlarge. The "santini" were both framed (and found by us) by the sisters of the infamous Convent of Santa Maria delle Aguzzine, in the village of Puente la Reina, near Pamplona.

A sad story, he. But that's what happens again and again whenever you have nice martyresses that believe in Xst our savourous saviour and at the same time (and historic frangent) a lot of beastly pagans bent on harming such virgins, duh.
Human nature? Were martyresses CREATED to suffer martyrdom? Were pagans CREATED to enjoy female hopelessness?
Who knows? Our task is just to register facts.
Readers will have to judge by themselves.
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